Get in Touch With David
If you are a constituent of Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe, you can contact David in his capacity as your Member of Parliament. You can check if I am your Member of Paliament by using the following link: https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP
You can contact me and my office by:
Email: david.chadwick.mp@parliament.uk
Office phone: 01792 316380
Write to my constituency office:
If you are not a constituent I cannot carry out casework on your behalf due to strict Parliamentary rules, but you can contact me in my capacity as Welsh Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader and Wales Spokesperon in Westminster at leader@welshlibdems.org.uk on non-casework related issues.
Press Enquires
For press enquires please contact: Harry.Robson@Parliament.UK